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Wrocław Centre for
Networking and Supercomputing


The main goal of the RE-ELECTRO 4 LIFE project is to implement the RE-USE business model based on the circular economy in order to reuse recovered parts from waste electrical and electronic equipment in the example of disassembled refrigeration and air conditioning equipment.
The introduction of spare parts for devices to the market will result in extending the life of existing devices, which will reduce the production of waste and the need to purchase new devices.

Project details:
  • increase in the number of spare parts available on the market;
  • creation of prototypes for diagnostics of elements of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment;
  • implementation of a product distribution network;
  • expansion of the selective waste collection network;
  • increasing environmental awareness in the subject of the circular economy, second life and reuse among project stakeholders.
The project is being carried out by a consortium composed of:


Project start date: 1 September, 2023
Project end date: 28 February, 2026
The project is co-financed with European Union funds.
Informacja o dofinansowaniu z Unii Europejskiej składająca się z logo projektu LIFE oraz tekstu: Dofinansowane przez Unię Europejską.