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Wrocław Centre for
Networking and Supercomputing


National Competence Centres in the framework of EuroHPC – Narodowe Centra Kompetencji EuroHPC is a project supporting the EuroHPC, a joint project of 33 European countries and the European Commission (EuroHPC JU).
The purpose of this initiative is to improve and level out the level of capabilities of High Performance Computing for the needs of science , industry and public administration in Europe. This is to be achieved by the HPC ecosystem that is being built. It will consist of an exascale computing infrastructure and a support system in terms of specialized knowledge, skills and experience.

The main goal of EUROCC is to create EuroHPC National Competence Centres in each country participating in the project. These centres bring together the potential of all the supercomputing centres in a given country and make their services available to users from universities and research institutions, the industrial sector and public administration. Through NCK scientists, entrepreneurs or officials will be able to use not only computational resources and skills of specialists from national HPC centres, but also from foreign centres in Europe. The Polish National Competence Centre is in the process of organization.

As for today, the ability to perform high-performance computing is crucial not only for the development of science, but also for the development of many branches of industry. National Competence Centres are created, firstly, to provide all those who conduct research with the option of using high-power computers. Secondly, to reduce differences and fill the gaps, both in access to modern technologies and in specialized knowledge and training in the field of high performance computing, artificial intelligence and processing of large data sets.
The tasks of the EuroHPC National Competence Centres will be to develop the potential of HPC centres from a given country by sharing knowledge, good practices, exchanging experiences and making services, training and resources of HPC available to research centres, the industrial sector (primarily SMEs, but also startups and large companies) and public administration. In this purpose, centres will carry out a diagnosis of needs and develop business models for cooperation with entities from the scientific, industrial and administrative environment. centres will also deal with education, building awareness, promotion and dissemination of knowledge about high-performance computing.

National Competence Centres will serve as expert contact centres, thanks to which users / customers / business partners (scientists, entrepreneurs, officials)
  • will be able to more easily find the HPC+ service they are interested in (HPC, HPDA, AI, Big Data, NLP, Data Analytics), in one of the national or foreign supercomputing centres
  • will have access to HPC resources and to the latest technologies and tools that they will be able to test free of charge and which will be adjusted to their needs
  • will receive professional support and technical assistance in implementing and using modern applications and ensuring cyber security
  • will receive a rich and diverse training offer (conferences, seminars, practical exercises, online courses, including those dedicated to specific groups of recipients and organised upon their demand; conducted by Polish and foreign experts) and educational materials (demonstrations, instructions, tutorials, collected on the NCK web portal, taking into account the level of knowledge and skills of recipients - from beginners to highly advanced).
In Poland project EUROCC will be carried out by the Consortium of following institutions:
  • AGH University of Science and Technology – The Academic Computer Centre CYFRONET AGH (project leader)
  • University of Warsaw, Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling
  • Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences – Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center
  • Gdańsk University of Technology – Centre of Informatics Tricity Academic Supercomputer and network
  • National Centre for Nuclear Research – Świerk Computing Centre
  • Wrocław University of Science and Technology – Wroclaw Centre for Networking and Supercomputing.


Project start date: 1 September, 2020.
Project end date: 31 August, 2022.
Financing: Horizon 2020 and The National Centre for Research and Development as part of EUROHPC JU programme
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