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Wrocław Centre for
Networking and Supercomputing


Project „Implementation of public key infrastructure for Pionier network users” project aimed to develop trusted certification centres for PIONIER network and standardized procedures of certification. As a part of this project the certification service PIONIER PKI has been created (description, service).
As part of the project solution was proposed that consists of an overarching certification authority (Root-CA) and a network of subordinate certification authorities located in larger academic centres. For the designed infrastructure, a common certification policy has been prepared, uniform procedures for issuing certificates have been designed, and procedures for accepting own policies of the built CAs have been defined. The scope of CA operations within the PKI for PIONIER network includes:
  • issuing certificates to users of computing services
  • issuing certificates to users and participants in national and international projects (e.g. grid)
  • issuing certificates to employees and users of services provided within the PIONIER network and by universities, i.e. eduroam, VPN networks
  • secure access to WWW services, e-mail, library systems
  • issuing certificates for service servers.
Partners: Wrocław University of Science and Technology – Wroclaw Centre for Networking and Supercomputing, Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center, Uczelniane Centrum Informatyczne UMK in Torun, Silesian University of Technology Computer centre.


Data rozpoczęcia projektu: 1 maja 2009 r.
Data zakończenia projektu: 30 kwietnia 2010 r.
Finansowanie: Konsorcjum PIONIER

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